Magelia WebStore - Preferences

Magelia WebStore


  • DocumentationTab-Preferences-List-Help


    This screen allows you to define the default rules of tax zones and shipping zones for the different countries where you intend to sell your products.

    • Why define these rules by default? When a potential customer visits a website, prices and taxes must be available for him/her to see, even if the customer’s location is unknown and taxes/fees cannot be applied. Default tax and shipping rules are useful when the shipping address, or location of the customer, is unknown.

    • For example, if you defined a shipping zone for the United States (Mainland) and a shipping zone for Alaska, the default location, when the location of the customer is unknown, would be the U.S. (Mainland) and not Alaska.

    • Of course, when an order is finalized and the shipping address is known, the tax and shipping fees will be recalculated accordingly.