With a reduced set of powerful webservices, Magelia WebStore makes it easy for developers to create a store.
Service | Entry | Method | Property | Parameters / Properties | Additional Information |
Store | GetContext | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or language) in which information relative to the store must be resent. |
Get contexual information relative to the store: _ Countries available for delivery that have at least a shipping rate. _ Cultures (country and language or languages) associated with the store. _ Curriences associated with the store _ Store status (active or inactive) |
Store | GetAllCountries | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or languages) in which information relative to the store must be resent. |
Retrieve all the countries in a given language, which are defined at the platform level (used for address management). | |
Store | GetRegions | X | _ storeId (Guid) :ID of the store associated with the website. _ countryId (Int32): Country ID for which the regions must be obtained. _ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or languages) in which information relative to the store must be resent. |
Retrieves all regions associated with a given country and defined in terms of the platform (used for address management). | |
Store | GetInventory | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ productIds (IEnumerable<Guid>) : ID of the products for which an inventory must be obtained. _ location (Localication ) : Consists of a CountryID, RegionID and zip code; specifies the intended shipping zone. |
Retrieves the relative stocks for a product collection for a geographic shipping zone. | |
Store | GetPrices | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ productIds (IEnumerable<Guid>) : ID of the products for which prices must be obtained. _ currencyIds (IEnumerable<Int32> ) : ID of the currencies in which product prices must be obtained. _ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or language) in which information relative to taxes and discounts must be translated. _ location (Localication ) : Consists of a CountryID, RegionID and zip code; specifies the intended shipping zone. |
Obtains prices by quantity within a currency group for a group of products. | |
Store | AddProductsToBasket | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated _ basketName (String) : Shopping cart name _ products (Dictionary<Guid,Int32>) : Pair of product IDs and quantity IDs to be added to the cart. _ currencyId : The ID of the currency that will be used for the shopping cart, if not yet created. _ cultureId : ID of the culture (country and language or language) in which information relative to the shopping cart will be saved (taxes, discounts, data). _ location (Localication ) : Consists of a CountryID, RegionID and zip code; specifies the intended shipping zone to take into account to perform the necessary calculations for the products in the shopping cart. |
Enables adding products to a given shopping cart for a specific user. A shopping cart will be created if it hasn't been already. | |
Store | UpdateBasket | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated _ basketName (String) : hopping cart name _ currencyId (Int32) : ID of the currency used to retrieve product prices, shipping fees and discounts. _ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or language) in which information must be translated. _ location (Localication ) : Consists of a CountryID, RegionID and zip code; specifies the intended shipping zone to take into account to perform the necessary calculations for the products in the shopping cart. |
Enables updating the shopping cart calculation settings depending on the choices of the user: Culture (country and language or language), currency and intended shipping zone. | |
Store | UpdateProductsQuantities | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated _ basketName (String) : Name of the shopping cart in which product quantites must be updated. _ products (Dictionary<Guid,Int32>) : Pair of product IDs and quantity IDs to be added to the cart. |
Enables updating product quantities in a given shopping cart for a specific user. | |
Store | ApplyPromoCodes | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated _ basketName (String) : Name of the shopping cart for which the discount codes will be applied. _ promoCodes (Ienumerable<String>) : A group of discount codes to apply to the shopping cart. |
Applies discount codes to a shopping cart of certain users. | |
Store | RemovePromoCodes | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) :The user name with which the shopping cart is associated _ basketName (String) : Name of the shopping cart for which the discount codes will be applied. _ promoCodes (Ienumerable<String>) : A group of discount codes to remove from a shopping cart. |
Removes discount codes from the user's shopping cart. | |
Store | DeleteBaskets | X | _ storeId (Guid) :ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated _ basketNames (Ienumerable<String>) : Name of the shopping cart to be emptied. |
Empties a user's shopping cart and reassigns the product inventory accordingly. | |
Store | GetBaskets | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name that belongs to the shopping carts that will be retrieved. _ basketNames (Ienumerable<String>) : Name of the shopping carts to be obtained by the user. |
Enables retrieving the shopping cart of a user by his/her name. | |
Store | GetBasketsProductsCount | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated _ basketNames (Ienumerable<String>) : Name of the shopping carts for which the product references have to be counted. |
Retrieves the different product reference numbers present in a user's shopping cart. | |
Store | TransferBaskets | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ fromUserName (String) :The user name from which the shopping cart is to be transferred. _ toUserName (String) : The user name that will receive the transferred shopping cart. _ basketNames (Ienumerable<String>) :Shopping cart names to be transferred. |
Transfers a user's shopping cart to another user (for example: an anonymous user to an authenticated user, when the user starts to create a shopping cart before being authenticated). | |
Store | SetCustomerAddressToBasket | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs. _ basketName (String) : The name of the shopping cart to which the user's addresse(s) will be applied. _ billingAddressId (Guid) :The ID of the user's address that will be used for the billing and shipping address (unless otherwise specified). _ shippingAddressId (Guid?) : The ID of the shipping address if it is different from the billing address (optional). |
Enables adding addresses already specified by the user to a shopping cart (for delivery and billing). | |
Store | SetRawAddressToBasket | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : Name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs. _ basketName (String) : The name of the shopping cart to which the user's addresse(s) will be applied. _ billingAddress (Address) :The full billing and shipping address to be used unless otherwise specified. _ shippingAddress (Address) : The full shipping address if this address if different from the billing address (optional). |
Enables applying addresses to a shopping cart not yet specified by the user. For example, for a shopping cart associated with an anonymous user. | |
Store | GetShippingRateValues | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs. _ basketName (String) : The name of the shopping cart for which the shipping methods are to be retrieved. |
Enables the available shipping methods for a shopping cart per package. | |
Store | SetShippingRateValues | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String ) : The name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs. _ basketName (String) : The name of the shopping cart to which the shipping method will be assigned. _ shippingRateValues (Dictionary<Guid,Guid>) : A pair of Package IDs and Shipping Method IDs to assign to the packages in a shopping cart. |
Specifies, if necessary, a shipping method for each package in a shopping cart. | |
Store | GetBasketHash | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs. _ basketName (String) : The shopping cart name for which a signature is required. |
Retrieves the specified signature and then the SaveAsOrder service method in order to ensure that the user has not modified the shopping cart amount between choosing a shipping method and the processing of the order. | |
Store | GetOrders | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name to which the order belongs. _ sortExpression (OrderSortExpression) : Order sort settings _ sortDirection (OrderSortDirection) : the organization of an order sort _ limit (Int32) : Number of orders per page _ page (Int32) : Index of the returned orders page _ loadPackages (Boolean) : Indicates if the packages are to be returned. _ loadLineItems (Boolean) : Indicates if the LineItems are to be returned if the packages are to be returned. |
Retrieves the orders of a given user in numerical order as well as in paginated results. | |
Store | GetOrder | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name to which the returned order belongs. _ orderID (Guid) :The returned order ID |
Retrieves all the data relating to an order of a given user. | |
Store | SaveAsOrder | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ userName (String) : The user name to which the shopping cart belongs. _ basketName (String) : The shopping cart name to be processed into an order. _ basketHash (String) : Shopping cart signature encrypted to the user. _ IP (String) : The IP address from where the user placed the order. _ result (out SaveAsOrderResult) : Return settings that indicate the result of the process from the shopping cart into a placed order (inconsistencies, success, no modications from the final encryption, errors...) |
Processes an order from the shopping cart. | |
Store | SendTemplatedMail | X | _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website. _ destinationEmails (EmailAddress[]) : Destination e-mail address _ senderEmail (EmailAddress) : Sender e-mail address _ templateCode (String) : The template code used for sending e-mails. _ mailFormat (MailFormat) :Sender e-mail format, text or html _ dataSource (TemplateData) : The data source to which the mail template must be assigned in order to generate e-mails. |
Sends e-mails to a group of addresses generated from a template configured at the administration level. | |
Store | SendMail | X | _ storeId (Guid) :ID of the store associated with the website. _ destinationEmails (EmailAddress[]) : Destination e-mail address _ senderEmail (EmailAddress) : Sender e-mail address _ emailSubject (String) : The subject of the e-mail being sent. _ emailBody (String) : The body of the e-mail being sent. _ mailFormat (MailFormat) : The format of the e-mail being sent (text or html) |
Enables to send an e-mail to a group of addresses specified to the service. | |
Catalog | Catalogs | X | _ CatalogId (Guid) : ID of the catalog. _ StartDate (DateTime?) : Valid start date of a catalog _ EndDate (DateTime?) : Expiration date of a catalog _ Code (String) : Administrative code of a catalog _ Name (String) : Catalog name in a given language _ ShortDescription (String) : Short description in a given language of a catalog. _ LongDescription (String) : Long description in a given language of a catalog. _ Categories (IQueryable<Category>) : Level One categories assigned to a catalog (root categories, by convention). _ Products (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Productst assigned to a catalog. |
IQueryable of the catalogs assigned to a store and in the localized culture specified in the query of the ODATA service. | |
Catalog | Categories | X | _ CategoryId (Guid) : ID of the catalog. _ CatalogId (Guid) : ID of the catalog that contains a category _ Code (String) : Administrative Category code _ Name (String) : Category name in a given language _ ShortDescription (String) : Short description of a category in a given language. _ LongDescription (String) :Long description of a category in a given language. _ Catalog (Catalog) : Catalog containing one or several categories. _ ParentCategories (IQueryable<Category>) : Parent categories of the category. _ ChildCategories (IQueryable<Category>) : Child categories of the category. _ Products (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) :Products assigned to a category. |
IQueryable of the categories included in a catalog assigned to the store and in the localized culture specified in the query of the ODATA service. | |
Catalog | Products | X | [BaseProduct] => Base product type regroups common properties _ CatalogId (Guid) :The catalog ID where the product can be found. _ ProductId (Guid) : Product ID _ SupplierId (Guid?) :The supplier ID of a product. _ SupplierReference (String) :The supplier reference of a product. _ BrandId (Guid?) : The brand ID of a product. _ Weight (Decimal?) : Product weight _ Height (Decimal?) : Product height _ Width (Decimal?) : Product width _ Length (Decimal?) : Product length _ IsSample (Boolean) : Indicates if there is a sample available _ Name (String) : Product name in a given language _ ShortDescription (String) : Short product description in a given language _ LongDescription (String) : Long product description in a given language _ AdditionalDescription (String) : Additional product description in a given language _ IsManaged (Boolean) : Indicates if the product is managed in the inventory _ IsVirtual (Boolean) : Indicates if there is a virtual product _ Brand (Brand) : Brand of the product _ Catalog (Catalog) : The catalog that contains the product _ Supplier (Supplier) : The product supplier _ UpSellingProducts (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Different products associated with the product that are suggested to the user. _ CrossSellingProducts (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Different products associated with the product that are related to the original product (same product family, accessories, extensions) _ AdditionalData (IQueryable<ProductAdditionalDataItem>) : Additional data associated with the product _ Categories (IQueryable<Category>) :Categories associated with the product [ReferenceProduct] => A product that has an SKU, therefore buyable. _ SKU (String) : SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of a product [StandardProduct] => Standard product _ TypeId (Guid) : Product type ID _ TypeName (String) : Product type in a given language _ TypeCode (String) : Product type code _ Properties (IQueryable<Property>) : Product characteristics [VariableProduct] => A variable product (product that contains product variants) _ TypeId (Guid) : Product type ID _ TypeName (String) : Product type name in a given language _ TypeCode (String) : Product type code _ Variants (IQueryable<Variant>) : Variant products associated with the variable product [VariantProduct] _ VariableProductId (Guid) : Variable product ID that contains the variant _ VariableProduct (VariableProduct) : Varia ble product that contains the variant [Bundle] _ TypeId (Guid) : Product type ID _ TypeName (String) : Product type in a given language _ TypeCode (String) : Product type code _ BundleItems (IQueryable<BundleItem>) : Bundle items (itemps+qty included in the bundle) _ Properties (IQueryable<Property>) : Product characteristics |
IQueryable of the active products included in a catalog assigned to the store and in the localized culture specified in the query of the ODATA service. | |
Catalog | BundleItems | X | _ BundleId (Guid) : Bundle product ID that groups together the bundle item _ ProductId (Guid) :ID of the product grouped by the bundle item _ Quantity (Int32) : Quantity of the product contained in the bundle _ Bundle (Bundle) : The bundle groups together the bundle items _ Product (BaseProduct) : Product contained in the bundle |
IQueryable of the bundle items included in a catalog assigned to the store and in the localized culture specified in the query of the ODATA service. | |
Catalog | ProductAdditionalDataItems | X | _ ProductId (Guid) : The product ID to which the additional data item belongs _ Key (String) :Unique key of the additional data item within the group of additional data items assigned to a product. _ Value (String) : Value of the additional data item _ Product (BaseProduct) : Product to which the additional data item belongs. |
Iquerable of the additional data items assigned to a product in a catalog that is assigned to the store. | |
Catalog | Properties | X | _ ProductId (Guid) :Product ID to which the characteristic belongs _ TypeName (String) : Product type name in a given language _ Code (String) : Administrative code of a product type _ Name (String) : Characteristic name in a given language _ Description (String) : Characteristic description in a given language _ Value (String) :Characteristic value _ Product (BaseProduct) : Product to which the characteristic belongs. |
Iqueryable of the characteristics of a product contained in a catalog assigned to the store. | |
Catalog | Brands | X | _ BrandId (Guid) :ID of the brand _ Code (String) :Administrative brand code _ LogoUrl (String) : URL of the brand logo _ Products (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Products assigned to a brand |
Iqueryable of the brands assigned to a product contained in a catalog assigned to a store. | |
Catalog | Suppliers | X | _ SupplierId (Guid) : ID of the supplier _ Code (String) : Administrative supplier code _ Products (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Products assigned to a brand |
Iqueryable of the suppliers assigned to a product contained in a catalog assigned to a store. | |
MemberShip | Magelia.WebStore. Client.Web.Security.Membership |
[CustomerUser] _ UserName (String) : User name _ ProviderUserKey (Object) : ID used by the provider to uniquely identify the user _ Email (String) : The user’s e-mail address _ PasswordQuestion (String) : A secret question asked by the provider to generate a password for the user _ Comment (String) :Open comments about the user. _ IsApproved (Boolean) : Indicates if the user is approved ; the provider may be configured to require approval for new accounts. _ IsLockedOut (Boolean) : Indicates if the user’s account is suspended or not. _ CreationDate (DateTime) : Creation date of the user’s account. _ LastLoginDate (DateTime) : Last date of user authentication _ LastActivityDate (DateTime) : Last date of user activity (authentication, failed authentication, user update, password change) _ LastPasswordChangedDate (DateTime) : Last date of a password change. _ LastLockoutDate (DateTime) : Last date of an account suspension. _Title (Title) : User title _ LastName (String) :The user’s family name _ MiddleName (String) : The user’s middle or second name _ FirstName (String) : The user’s first name _ Address (IEnumerable<CustomerAddress>) : The user’s address [Address] _ AddressId (Guid) : ID of the address _ Name (String) : Unique name of the address within the address group of the user. _ Title (Title) : Title of the person to which the address corresponds _ TitleLabel (String) : Title of the person to which the address corresponds in a given language. _ CountryId (Int32) : Country ID of the address _ CountryName (String) : Country name of the address in a given language. _ RegionId (Guid?) : Region ID of the address _ RegionName (String) : Region name of the address in a given language. _ Company (String) : Company to which the address corresponds. _ Email (String) : Specific e-mail address in terms of the address, useful for anonymous orders _ FirstName (String) :First name of the person to whom the address corresponds _ LastName (String) : Last name or family name of the person to whom the address corresponds _ MiddleName (String) : Middle or second name of the person to whom the address corresponds _ Line1 (String) : First line of the address _ Line2 (String) :Second line of the address _ Line3 (String) : Third line of the address _ ZipCode (String) : Postal or Zip code of the address _ City (String) : The city of the address _ PhoneNumber (String) : Telephone number corresponding to the address _ MobileNumber (String) : Cell phone number corresponding to the address _ FaxNumber (String) : Fax number corresponding to the address _ Floor (String) : Floor (apartment buildings, etc.) _ DigiCode (String) : Entry code _ Comments (List<Comment>) : Comments associated with the address _ AdditionalData (List<AdditionalDataItem>) : Additional Data [Comment] _ UserName (String) : User name of the author of a comment _ CreateDate (DateTime) : The date a comment was posted. _ Content (String) : Contents of a comment. |
Once the Magelia.WebStore.Client. Web.Security.ServiceMembershipProvider clie is configured, it allows user/customer management. Please notice that Customer extends MembershipUser but a user is not necessarily a customer. Magelia.WebStore.Client.Web.Security. Membership groups together all user and customer functionalities. |
Roles | Magelia.WebStore.Client. Web.Security.Roles |
Simply use this namespace in order to manage roles. | Once the Magelia.WebStore.Client. Web.Security.ServiceMembershipProvider client is configured, it allows role and permission mangagement via Magelia services |
Profile | HttpContext.Profile | Simply use this namespace in order to manage profiles. | Once the Magelia.WebStore.Client. Web.Security.ServiceMembershipProvider client is configured, it allows user/ customer profile mangagement via Magelia services |