Magelia WebStore


With a reduced set of powerful webservices, Magelia WebStore makes it easy for developers to create a store.

Service Entry Method Property Parameters / Properties Additional Information
Store GetContext X   _ storeId (Guid) :  ID of the store associated with the website.
_ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or language) in which information relative to the store must be resent.
Get contexual information relative to the store:
_ Countries available for delivery that have at least a shipping rate.
_ Cultures (country and language or languages) associated with the store.
_ Curriences associated with the store
_ Store status (active or inactive)
Store GetAllCountries X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or languages) in which information relative to the store must be resent.
Retrieve all the countries in a given language, which are defined at the platform level (used for address management). 
Store GetRegions X   _ storeId (Guid) :ID of the store associated with the website.
_ countryId (Int32): Country ID for which the regions must be obtained.
_ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or languages) in which information relative to the store must be resent.
Retrieves all regions associated with a given country and defined in terms of the platform (used for address management).
Store GetInventory X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ productIds (IEnumerable<Guid>) : ID of the products for which an inventory must be obtained.
_ location (Localication ) : Consists of a CountryID, RegionID and zip code; specifies the intended shipping zone. 
Retrieves the relative stocks for a product collection for a geographic shipping zone. 
Store GetPrices X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ productIds (IEnumerable<Guid>) : ID of the products for which prices must be obtained.
_ currencyIds (IEnumerable<Int32> ) : ID of the currencies in which product prices must be obtained.
_ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or language) in which information relative to taxes and discounts must be translated.
_ location (Localication ) : Consists of a CountryID, RegionID and zip code; specifies the intended shipping zone. 
Obtains prices by quantity within a currency group for a group of products.  
Store AddProductsToBasket X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated
_ basketName (String) : Shopping cart name
_ products (Dictionary<Guid,Int32>) : Pair of product IDs and quantity IDs to be added to the cart.
_ currencyId : The ID of the currency that will be used for the shopping cart, if not yet created.
_ cultureId : ID of the culture (country and language or language) in which information relative to the shopping cart will be saved (taxes, discounts, data).
_ location (Localication ) : Consists of a CountryID, RegionID and zip code; specifies the intended shipping zone to take into account to perform the necessary calculations for the products in the shopping cart. 
Enables adding products to a given shopping cart for a specific user.  A shopping cart will be created if it hasn't been already. 
Store UpdateBasket X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated
_ basketName (String) : hopping cart name
_ currencyId (Int32) : ID of the currency used to retrieve product prices, shipping fees and discounts.
_ cultureId (Int32) : ID of the culture (country and language or language) in which information must be translated.
_ location (Localication ) : Consists of a CountryID, RegionID and zip code;  specifies the intended shipping zone to take into account to perform the necessary calculations for the products in the shopping cart. 
Enables updating the shopping cart calculation settings depending on the choices of the user: Culture (country and language or language), currency and intended shipping zone. 
Store UpdateProductsQuantities X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated
_ basketName (String) : Name of the shopping cart in which product quantites must be updated.
_ products (Dictionary<Guid,Int32>) : Pair of product IDs and quantity IDs to be added to the cart. 
Enables updating product quantities in a given shopping cart for a specific user. 
Store ApplyPromoCodes X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated
_ basketName (String) : Name of the shopping cart for which the discount codes will be applied.
_ promoCodes (Ienumerable<String>) : A group of discount codes to apply to the shopping cart. 
Applies discount codes to a shopping cart of certain users. 
Store RemovePromoCodes X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) :The user name with which the shopping cart is associated
_ basketName (String) : Name of the shopping cart for which the discount codes will be applied.
_ promoCodes (Ienumerable<String>) :  A group of discount codes to remove from a shopping cart. 
Removes discount codes from the user's shopping cart. 
Store DeleteBaskets X   _ storeId (Guid) :ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated
_ basketNames (Ienumerable<String>) : Name of the shopping cart to be emptied. 
Empties a user's shopping cart and reassigns the product inventory accordingly. 
Store GetBaskets X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name that belongs to the shopping carts that will be retrieved.
_ basketNames (Ienumerable<String>) : Name of the shopping carts to be obtained by the user. 
Enables retrieving the shopping cart of a user by his/her name. 
Store GetBasketsProductsCount X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name with which the shopping cart is associated
_ basketNames (Ienumerable<String>) : Name of the shopping carts for which the product references have to be counted. 
Retrieves the different product reference numbers present in a user's shopping cart.
Store TransferBaskets X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ fromUserName (String) :The user name from which the shopping cart is to be transferred.
_ toUserName (String) : The user name that will receive the transferred shopping cart.
_ basketNames (Ienumerable<String>) :Shopping cart names to be transferred. 
Transfers a user's shopping cart to another user (for example: an anonymous user to an authenticated user, when the user starts to create a shopping cart before being authenticated). 
Store SetCustomerAddressToBasket X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs.
_ basketName (String) : The name of the shopping cart to which the user's addresse(s) will be applied.
_ billingAddressId (Guid) :The ID of the user's address that will be used for the billing and shipping address (unless otherwise specified).
_ shippingAddressId (Guid?) : The ID of the shipping address if it is different from the billing address (optional).  
Enables adding addresses already specified by the user to a shopping cart (for delivery and billing). 
Store SetRawAddressToBasket X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : Name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs.
_ basketName (String) : The name of the shopping cart to which the user's addresse(s) will be applied. 
_ billingAddress (Address) :The full billing and shipping address to be used unless otherwise specified.
_ shippingAddress (Address) : The full shipping address if this address if different from the billing address (optional). 
Enables applying addresses to a shopping cart not yet specified by the user.  For example, for a shopping cart associated with an anonymous user. 
Store GetShippingRateValues X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs.
_ basketName (String) : The name of the shopping cart for which the shipping methods are to be retrieved.
Enables the available shipping methods for a shopping cart per package. 
Store SetShippingRateValues X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String ) : The name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs.
_ basketName (String) : The name of the shopping cart to which the shipping method will be assigned.
_ shippingRateValues (Dictionary<Guid,Guid>) : A pair of Package IDs and Shipping Method IDs to assign to the packages in a shopping cart. 
Specifies, if necessary, a shipping method for each package in a shopping cart. 
Store GetBasketHash X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The name of the user to which the shopping cart belongs.
_ basketName (String) : The shopping cart name for which a signature is required. 
Retrieves the specified signature and then the SaveAsOrder service method in order to ensure that the user has not modified the shopping cart amount between choosing a shipping method and the processing of the order. 
Store GetOrders X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name to which the order belongs.
_ sortExpression (OrderSortExpression) : Order sort settings
_ sortDirection (OrderSortDirection) : the organization of an order sort
_ limit (Int32) : Number of orders per page
_ page (Int32) : Index of the returned orders page
_ loadPackages (Boolean) : Indicates if the packages are to be returned.
_ loadLineItems (Boolean) : Indicates if the LineItems are to be returned if the packages are to be returned. 
Retrieves the orders of a given user in numerical order as well as in paginated results. 
Store GetOrder X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name to which the returned order belongs.
_ orderID (Guid) :The returned order ID 
Retrieves all the data relating to an order of a given user.
Store SaveAsOrder X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ userName (String) : The user name to which the shopping cart belongs.
_ basketName (String) : The shopping cart name to be processed into an order.
_ basketHash (String) : Shopping cart signature encrypted to the user.
_ IP (String) : The IP address from where the user placed the order.
_ result (out SaveAsOrderResult) : Return settings that indicate the result of the process from the shopping cart into a placed order (inconsistencies, success, no modications from the final encryption, errors...)
Processes an order from the shopping cart. 
Store SendTemplatedMail X   _ storeId (Guid) : ID of the store associated with the website.
_ destinationEmails (EmailAddress[]) : Destination e-mail address
_ senderEmail (EmailAddress) : Sender e-mail address
_ templateCode (String) : The template code used for sending e-mails.
_ mailFormat (MailFormat) :Sender e-mail format, text or html
_ dataSource (TemplateData) : The data source to which the mail template must be assigned in order to generate e-mails. 
Sends e-mails to a group of addresses generated from a template configured at the administration level. 
Store SendMail X   _ storeId (Guid) :ID of the store associated with the website.
_ destinationEmails (EmailAddress[]) : Destination e-mail address
_ senderEmail (EmailAddress) : Sender e-mail address
_ emailSubject (String) : The subject of the e-mail being sent.
_ emailBody (String) : The body of the e-mail being sent.
_ mailFormat (MailFormat) : The format of the e-mail being sent (text or html)
Enables to send an e-mail to a group of addresses specified to the service. 
Catalog Catalogs   X _ CatalogId (Guid) : ID of the catalog.
_ StartDate (DateTime?) : Valid start date of a catalog
_ EndDate (DateTime?) : Expiration date of a catalog
_ Code (String) : Administrative code of a catalog
_ Name (String) : Catalog name in a given language
_ ShortDescription (String) : Short description in a given language of a catalog.
_ LongDescription (String) : Long description in a given language of a catalog.
_ Categories (IQueryable<Category>) : Level One categories assigned to a catalog (root categories, by convention).
_ Products (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Productst assigned to a catalog. 
IQueryable of the catalogs assigned to a store and in the localized culture specified in the query of the ODATA service. 
Catalog Categories   X _ CategoryId (Guid) : ID of the catalog.
_ CatalogId (Guid) : ID of the catalog that contains a category
_ Code (String) : Administrative Category code
_ Name (String) : Category name in a given language
_ ShortDescription (String) : Short description of a category in a given language.
_ LongDescription (String) :Long description of a category in a given language.
_ Catalog (Catalog) : Catalog containing one or several categories.
_ ParentCategories (IQueryable<Category>) : Parent categories of the category.
_ ChildCategories (IQueryable<Category>) : Child categories of the category.
_ Products (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) :Products assigned to a category. 
IQueryable of the categories included in a catalog assigned to the store and in the localized culture specified in the query of the ODATA service.
Catalog Products   X [BaseProduct] => Base product type regroups  common properties
_ CatalogId (Guid) :The catalog ID where the product can be found.
_ ProductId (Guid) : Product ID
_ SupplierId (Guid?) :The supplier  ID of a product.
_ SupplierReference (String) :The supplier reference of a product.
_ BrandId (Guid?) : The brand ID of a product.
_ Weight (Decimal?) : Product weight
_ Height (Decimal?) : Product height
_ Width (Decimal?) : Product width
_ Length (Decimal?) : Product length
_ IsSample (Boolean) : Indicates if there is a sample available
_ Name (String) : Product name in a given language
_ ShortDescription (String) : Short product description in a given language
_ LongDescription (String) : Long product description in a given language
_ AdditionalDescription (String) : Additional product description in a given language
_ IsManaged (Boolean) : Indicates if the product is managed in the inventory
_ IsVirtual (Boolean) : Indicates if there is a virtual product
_ Brand (Brand) : Brand of the product
_ Catalog (Catalog) : The catalog that contains the product
_ Supplier (Supplier) : The product supplier
_ UpSellingProducts (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Different products associated with the product that are suggested to the user.
_ CrossSellingProducts (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Different products associated with the product that are related to the original product (same product family, accessories, extensions)
_ AdditionalData (IQueryable<ProductAdditionalDataItem>) : Additional data associated with the product
_ Categories (IQueryable<Category>) :Categories associated with the product

[ReferenceProduct] => A product that has an SKU, therefore buyable.
_ SKU (String) : SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of a product

[StandardProduct] => Standard product
_ TypeId (Guid) : Product type ID
_ TypeName (String) : Product type in a given language
_ TypeCode (String) : Product type code
_ Properties (IQueryable<Property>) : Product characteristics

[VariableProduct] => A variable product (product that contains product variants)
_ TypeId (Guid) : Product type ID
_ TypeName (String) : Product type name in a given language
_ TypeCode (String) : Product type code
_ Variants (IQueryable<Variant>) : Variant products associated with the variable product

_ VariableProductId (Guid) :  Variable product ID that contains the variant
_ VariableProduct (VariableProduct) : Varia ble product that contains the variant

_ TypeId (Guid) : Product type ID
_ TypeName (String) : Product type in a given language
_ TypeCode (String) : Product type code
_ BundleItems (IQueryable<BundleItem>) : Bundle items (itemps+qty included in the bundle)
_ Properties (IQueryable<Property>) :  Product characteristics 
IQueryable of the active products included in a catalog assigned to the store and in the localized culture  specified in the query of the ODATA service.
Catalog BundleItems   X _ BundleId (Guid) : Bundle product ID that groups together the bundle item
_ ProductId (Guid) :ID of the product grouped by the bundle item
_ Quantity (Int32) : Quantity of the product contained in the bundle
_ Bundle (Bundle) : The bundle groups together the bundle items
_ Product (BaseProduct) : Product contained in the bundle 
IQueryable of the bundle items included in a catalog assigned to the store and in the localized culture  specified in the query of the ODATA service.
Catalog ProductAdditionalDataItems   X _ ProductId (Guid) : The product ID to which the additional data item belongs
_ Key (String) :Unique key of the additional data item within the group of additional data items assigned to a product.
_ Value (String) : Value of the additional data item
_ Product (BaseProduct) : Product to which the additional data item belongs. 
Iquerable of the additional data items assigned to a product in a catalog that is assigned to the store. 
Catalog Properties   X _ ProductId (Guid) :Product ID to which the characteristic belongs
_ TypeName (String) : Product type name in a given language
_ Code (String) : Administrative code of a product type
_ Name (String) : Characteristic name in a given language 
_ Description (String) : Characteristic description in a given language
_ Value (String) :Characteristic value
_ Product (BaseProduct) : Product to which the characteristic belongs. 
Iqueryable of the characteristics of a product contained in a catalog assigned to the store. 
Catalog Brands   X _ BrandId (Guid) :ID of the brand
_ Code (String) :Administrative brand code
_ LogoUrl (String) : URL of the brand logo
_ Products (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Products assigned to a brand 
Iqueryable of the brands assigned to a product contained in a catalog assigned to a store. 
Catalog Suppliers   X _ SupplierId (Guid) : ID of the supplier
_ Code (String) : Administrative supplier code
_ Products (IQueryable<BaseProduct>) : Products assigned to a brand 
Iqueryable of the suppliers assigned to a product contained in a catalog assigned to a store. 
MemberShip Magelia.WebStore.
_ UserName (String) : User name
_ ProviderUserKey (Object) : ID used by the provider to uniquely identify the user
_ Email (String) : The user’s e-mail address
_ PasswordQuestion (String) : A secret question asked by the provider to generate a password for the user
_ Comment (String) :Open comments about the user.
_ IsApproved (Boolean) : Indicates if the user is approved ; the provider may be configured to require approval for new accounts.
_ IsLockedOut (Boolean) : Indicates if the user’s account is suspended or not.
_ CreationDate (DateTime) : Creation date of the user’s account.
_ LastLoginDate (DateTime) : Last date of user authentication
_ LastActivityDate (DateTime) : Last date of user activity (authentication, failed authentication, user update, password change)
_ LastPasswordChangedDate (DateTime) : Last date of a password change.
_ LastLockoutDate (DateTime) : Last date of an account suspension.
_Title (Title) : User title
_ LastName (String) :The user’s family name
_ MiddleName (String) : The user’s middle or second name
_ FirstName (String) : The user’s first name
_ Address (IEnumerable<CustomerAddress>) : The user’s address

_ AddressId (Guid) : ID of the address
_ Name (String) : Unique name of the address within the address group of the user.
_ Title (Title) : Title of the person to which the address corresponds
_ TitleLabel (String) : Title of the person to which the address corresponds in a given language.
_ CountryId (Int32) : Country ID of the address
_ CountryName (String) : Country name of the address in a given language.
_ RegionId (Guid?) : Region ID of the address
_ RegionName (String) : Region name of the address in a given language.
_ Company (String) : Company to which the address corresponds.
_ Email (String) : Specific e-mail address  in terms of the address, useful for anonymous orders
_ FirstName (String) :First name of the person to whom the address corresponds
_ LastName (String) : Last name or family name of the person to whom the address corresponds
_ MiddleName (String) : Middle or second name of the person to whom the address corresponds
_ Line1 (String) : First line of the address
_ Line2 (String) :Second line of the address
_ Line3 (String) : Third line of the address
_ ZipCode (String) : Postal or Zip code of the address
_ City (String) : The city of the address
_ PhoneNumber (String) : Telephone number corresponding to the address
_ MobileNumber (String) : Cell phone number corresponding to the address
_ FaxNumber (String) : Fax number corresponding to the address
_ Floor (String) :  Floor (apartment buildings, etc.)
_ DigiCode (String) : Entry code
_ Comments (List<Comment>) : Comments associated with the address
_ AdditionalData (List<AdditionalDataItem>) : Additional Data

_ UserName (String) : User name of the author of a comment
_ CreateDate (DateTime) : The date a comment was posted.
_ Content (String) : Contents of a comment.
Once the Magelia.WebStore.Client.
Web.Security.ServiceMembershipProvider clie is configured,  it allows user/customer management.  Please notice that Customer extends MembershipUser but a user is not  necessarily a customer.  Magelia.WebStore.Client.Web.Security.
Membership groups together all user and customer functionalities. 
Roles Magelia.WebStore.Client.
     Simply use this namespace in order to manage roles.  Once the Magelia.WebStore.Client.
Web.Security.ServiceMembershipProvider client is configured, it allows role and permission mangagement via Magelia services 
Profile HttpContext.Profile     Simply use this namespace in order to manage profiles.  Once the Magelia.WebStore.Client.
Web.Security.ServiceMembershipProvider client is configured, it allows user/ customer profile mangagement via Magelia services