Multi-store/page/webstore-features/multi-store-environment<p><strong>Centralize your e-commerce operations, and improve operational efficiency while reducing costs.</strong></p> <p>Manage multiple vendors and multiple stores from one central Magelia WebStore Professional or Entreprise Edition.</p>Choose the real multi-tenant software/Contents/Item/Display/1309<p>With Magelia WebStore, each tenant (e.g., vendor) is freestanding from the others.</p> <p>Opt for the reliable, scalable, cost-efficient multi-tenant e-commerce software.</p> <p><a style="display: none;" class="highlight" href="/page/webstore-features/multi-tenant">Learn more about Magelia WebStore Enterprise Edition</a></p> <p><a style="display: none;" class="highlight" href="/contact">Contact us for more information</a></p>Thu, 14 Feb 2013 16:51:36 GMT/Contents/Item/Display/1309Easily delegate the management of your online stores/Contents/Item/Display/721<p>Profiles and roles can be defined at the company or at the e-commerce store level.</p> <p>Access to shops and features can be granted or restricted by profile.</p> <p><a style="display: none;" class="highlight" href="/documentation/adminconsole/Administration.Store.Roles.Edit">Learn more about the management of roles and permissions</a></p>Tue, 30 Oct 2012 13:11:03 GMT/Contents/Item/Display/721Multi-Store feature: manage multiples stores from one centralized space/Contents/Item/Display/720<p>Magelia WebStore provides one single back-office.</p> <p>Easily switch between companies and stores from the administration panel.</p>Tue, 30 Oct 2012 13:08:04 GMT/Contents/Item/Display/720Are you managing several stores? Our solution is made for you/Contents/Item/Display/719<p>Whether you manage two stores, hundreds of stores, or an entire shopping mall, there is an edition of Magelia WebStore for you.</p>Tue, 30 Oct 2012 13:06:34 GMT/Contents/Item/Display/719Because each Store is unique…/Contents/Item/Display/718<p>With Magelia WebStore Professional or Entreprise Edition, each store benefits from its own customizing options and graphic layout.</p> <p><a style="display: none;" target="_blank" class="highlight" href="">See an example site</a></p>Tue, 30 Oct 2012 13:03:51 GMT/Contents/Item/Display/718