Easy Integration with 3rd parties/page/webstore-features/easy-integration-with-third-parties<p><strong>Develop a high-performance e-commerce ecosystem.</strong></p> <p>Exchange data using your e-commerce ecosystem: business partners and third-party software.</p>Available soon ! Create modules that integrate 3rd-party applications in Magelia WebStore/Contents/Item/Display/1125<p>The modular architecture that will be introduced by version 3 of Magelia WebStore will allow you to extend software functionalities without touching the application core.</p> <p>This feature will enable you to integrate 3rd-party applications like tax calculation services, for example.</p>Mon, 03 Dec 2012 13:27:44 GMT/Contents/Item/Display/1125Authentification sharing/Contents/Item/Display/1124<p>Magelia WebStore implements the .NET standard mechanism for sharing authentifications with external .NET applications, called Membership Provider.</p>Mon, 03 Dec 2012 13:26:57 GMT/Contents/Item/Display/1124Access real time services/Contents/Item/Display/1123<p>You can also request services in realtime, like exchange rate services for example.</p>Mon, 03 Dec 2012 13:26:22 GMT/Contents/Item/Display/1123Add e-commerce to your existing CMS, WCM, ERP, etc./Contents/Item/Display/1122<p>Magelia WebStore provides services that let you build e-commerce sites, e-commerce apps for Smartphones, and easily add e-commerce functions to existing software.<br /><br />Watch our example where we integrate Magelia WebStore and CMS Orchard.</p>Mon, 03 Dec 2012 13:25:35 GMT/Contents/Item/Display/1122